
Thursday, 8 September 2011

Knit and Natter

I went along to a knit and natter group yesterday. The only thing I have ever knitted is a scarf when I was about 12! I have wanted to learn to crochet for ages and have looked at so many books and you tube but just couldn't get it, I was hoping there would be someone at the group who would teach me. I was lucky as there were two volunteers to show me two different ways so I could use the one I felt most comfortable with, the people at the group were very friendly. This is what I made
Ok so I need lots more practice but for me just to do one stitch and hold the yarn was an achievement. Last night I made myself a face scrubbie, the whole in the center was too big and the stitching uneven but I am still getting used to how it all works. My next project will be a bear which I am working on now. I will go again to the group and am actually looking forward to showing them what I have made. Next time I may take some knitting needles as well.

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