
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

November de-clutter

The really good life is organising a November de-clutter, the idea is you throw / give away 1 item per day and an extra 5 things per week in the mini challenge. I am joining in as I really need to de-clutter my home, I have way to much stuff. I found out about this via swirlyarts whose blog I follow, big thanks to her.

I don't think rubbish counts a your 1 item so I am giving myself the personal challange of 1 item per day plus a carrier bag full of rubbish per day - I am hoping that I will not need to throw out a whole bag full of rubbish each day for the whole month. (If I do then the problem is much worse that I thought).

My item for today is a pair of boots that I no longer wear. 


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